
My Philosophy

Here, I want to provide a bit of context for future reviews found on this resource, in an attempt to provide a greater understanding of where I am coming from as a critic.

What I am creating and posting on this blog is solely the opinion of myself. I do not intend to post reviews from the vantage-point of one who is "above" the reader in any way, but rather, I hope to share my passion for music, film, and literature to my readers, instilling a greater interest in these areas within them, and alerting them to content that they just might enjoy.

I also don't intend to review only what art is current, but rather, I plan on sampling from the vast collection of artistic content available through time. Some reviews might relate to artworks of a recent nature, but others might pertain to art of decades long-gone.

Finally, through my reviews I aim to attempt to present clearly what any given album, film, or novel "is", in the sense that I hope to provide a clear portrait of what the work of art's aesthetic is, and ultimately, how it does and doesn't resonate with me.

I've decided not to include any sort of score at the end of my reviews, as I feel that they can accomplish more harm than good. With a score as a conclusion to a collection of thoughts, I fear that the reader will against their will, filter my thoughts, and in turn their thoughts through the provided score, damaging their ability to experience the related art "tabula rasa", as opposed to with an idea of the art's "intrinsic value" or "objective merit". It would also be quite annoying for me to accurately score works of art within the same scale. The fear of giving a work of art a 9, that I in reality like less than another that I awarded an 8.5 is a stress that I'd prefer to avoid, thank you.

Ultimately, I hope that the reader extracts at least some of the enjoyment that I experience from formulating my own thoughts on art. Enjoy.


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